Full of pure joy
SNAP’s Drama Club, Junior Choir and Parent Choir came together to showcase their talent in SNAP’s Party Bonanza. It was held for the first time at The Brentwood Theatre, in collaboration for their shared 30th birthday celebrations. It was an honour and privilege for our clubs to perform there, and for many of our performers it was their first time on stage!
The performers passion and enthusiasm oozed into the audience creating beaming faces and many teary eyes around the room.
It was a beautiful amalgamation of dedication, hard work and encouragement from Family Support Adviser, Alli Fudge-Smith and Music Therapist and Choir leader Emily Grimes and the rest of the Services team.
SNAP mum and member of the Parent Choir, Sarah said, “Tonight was full of pure joy, everyone was encouraging one another and we all, including my own family in the audience, had so much fun. Thank you, SNAP… and also thank you to Emily, our musical genius who takes us under her wing and always bring a smile to our lives.”
The Parent Choir made the audience tear up with beautiful covers of Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper and Cover Me in Sunshine by Pink. They performed eight songs across the two acts. Watch some of their performance here.
Usually when this group meets it is hybrid session, with some children being at the Centre and some joining in via Zoom. They did fantastically well all coming together.
SNAP’s Drama Club had the auditorium laughing with skits and poems based on celebrations including the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party scene from Alice in Wonderland. Best friends, William and Billy, whose friendshi
p formed through the club, showcased some Christmas cracker jokes which had the audience in stitches.
Director of the Drama Club, Alli Fudge-Smith, says, “It was amazing to bring all three groups together within this showcase, and celebrate 30 years in the best possible way. I was so proud of all our performers; it was such a joyful evening. I had the privilege of compèring the show and so, being at the front, had the best of both worlds; watching our inspiring group members doing their thing, but I also got to see their amazing parents and loved ones’ reactions too.”
The Junior Choir performed an extra special song they had written with Emily in celebration of SNAP’s 30th anniversary. The lyrics sum up what SNAP means to them, here’s a snippet:
[CHORUS]: Everybody here is from a different place
Everybody here has fun and its friendly
SNAP is the place we join altogether
You are free to be yourself
[VERSE 2]: There are so many things to do at SNAP
From choir to drama try everything
We’ve made friends, we feel like we belong
We feel uplifted so this song we sing
Alli added, “The SNAP Song at the end was awesome; all three groups joining forces on the final choruses and the audience, on their feet, joining in too. Such a magical moment.”
It was an incredible opportunity and achievement for so many of the children and young people as most of them had never set foot on a stage before. With no prior visit to the theatre, they rose to the occasion and simply lit up the stage.
SNAP CEO Karen said, “It was such a phenomenal evening! We are incredibly grateful to Brentwood Theatre for hosting us and to our wonderful sponsors for helping to make the night happen and for coming along – Blue Serif, Lady Penelope Wines, Parker Smith Inclusion, Baker Labels, Tees Law and 44 Benefit Solutions. Also, a big thanks to Red Oak Wear for printing the fabulous t-shirts for our performers too!”
We would also like to thank the Basildon and Brentwood NHS Health Inequalities Fund, for funding the SNAP Afterschool Clubs this year.
Penny Hollington of Lady Penelope Wines sponsored the goody bags each child received. Penny said, “Very moving, enjoyable and uplifting performances by the young actors and singers…and the parent choir sounded sublime too.”
SNAP Trustee, Paula Hills summarised it best. She said, “What a wonderful showcase for the talents of our young people! It was heartwarming to see the confidence and enjoyment from everyone involved. It was a testament to Emily, Alli and all the staff who have worked with kindness and care to engage so brilliantly with these young people to allow them to have a vehicle to express themselves. Thank you for the invite it was a marvellous and very special evening.”
If you are interested in joining SNAP’s Drama Club, Junior Choir or Parent Choir, please call 01277 211300 or email [email protected].
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and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.
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