Six Part Course For Parents of Primary Aged Neurodivergent (autistic/ADHD) Children with Kathryn Miller
About this Specialist Talk
Course Content:
The following topics will be covered during the course.
- Understanding Neurodiversity
- Sensory Processing
- Emotional Regulation
- Stress and Anxiety
- Behaviour as Communication
- Kathryn will tailor the content to meet the needs of the group and the final session will be based on what the parents would like. This could include topics such as; support with sharing the diagnosis, understanding sleep differences, understanding eating differences.
★ Part 1: 8th January -10.00am to 12noon
★ Part 2: 15th January -10.00am to 12noon
★ Part 3: 22nd January -10.00am to 12noon
★ Part 4: 29th January -10.00am to 12noon
★ Part 5: 5th February -10.00am to 12noon
★ Part 6: 12th February -10.00am to 12noon
Please read carefully before registering your interest:
- Parents must be able to commit to attending all six sessions.
- This course is aimed at parents who have a child of Primary School age (4 to 11 years old), who is, or may be, neurodivergent (autistic/ADHD). No formal diagnosis required.
- Please register your interest by clicking the button below or emailing [email protected] – we will then confirm places and send details on how to pay to secure your place.
- This course is in-person at The SNAP Centre and will not be recorded.
- SNAP is unable to accommodate children at this session.
- Refund requests can be submitted and is dependent on us being able to reallocate the place.
SNAP is charging a nominal fee for registered SNAP families and this is not a true reflection of the cost. However SNAP appreciates that the rise in the cost of living has impacted families with children with additional needs more than most, and do not want a family’s financial situation to be a barrier to accessing services. Please contact SNAP if this is impacting on you accessing the course so we can discuss options.
This course has sold out. Please register your interest for the Spring Term by emailing [email protected].
Crèche will be available on some weeks of this course. Please advise on the email if you require the crèche.
We are extremely grateful to the Essex County Council Carers Community Fund for funding these courses.
Pastoral Way, Warley, Brentwood, CM14 5WF, United Kingdom
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Helpline: 01277 211300
Email: [email protected]
9.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.
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