Eating Difficulties in Children with ASD
Interactive workshop helps families with this challenging issue
18th May 2018
As eating is a subject families can often find challenging, SNAP was thrilled to welcome Tanya Cotier, an autism and social communication specialist teacher, to the centre last week to deliver a training session on helping families with difficulties they may experience with food and eating. The interactive workshop explored characteristics of autism that may provide challenges for healthy eating habits, and shared strategies to help overcome these difficulties and encourage a varied diet.
Tanya encouraged the 35 families present to try taking the pressure off their children/young people when it comes to mealtimes, and instead engage in supportive discussions, helping to develop their confidence when it comes to food and trying new things.
The talk received some fantastic feedback:
“Thank you for holding this session. It is such a relief to be able to discuss food difficulties with other parents. I have felt so isolated with this problem. I’m relieved that my family is similar to other people’s chaos in terms of mealtimes. Thank goodness! Loved the workshop set up. I hope this can be run again.”
“It is always nice to know you are not alone and that your struggles are not because of your parenting skills. The information and tactics are helpful.”
“Reminded me of how far we’ve come, and given me some really good tips.”
“Was great to be able to take home a booklet with all the information from the session. I enjoyed the informal sitting around a table with others and the room/group discussions. Always, always helpful to hear other stories, issues and strategies.”
SNAP also welcomed two school representatives to the talk, who gave the following feedback.
“Lots of new ideas which I think I will be able to introduce within my school setting.”
“Greater understanding of what parents are going through.”
Tanya has shared her presentation from the talk with SNAP, which can be emailed out on request.
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